Our Story
Have you ever looked around your house, really looked, and noticed how many items are housed in plastic? A lot. In fact, I
dare you to go to your bathroom, kitchen or laundry room and
take count.
That's what I did and I realized there has to be a better way. As a frequent sailer and beach goer in Los Angeles, I saw the problem firsthand. We only have one planet and one life, and each one of us plays a vital role in the health of our home, community, and planet. However, after searching, I found a few products that made
sustainability desirable.
That is where Heffen comes in. Heffen means "to raise" in
Dutch and our mission is to raise the standards on everyday household essentials.
My husband and I made the choice to move back to the midwest (Kansas City!) but I kept my passion of wanting to make amazing plastic-free products. And after nearly a year of working natural cosmetic chemists, perfumers and industry experts, and many product trials, I believe we've created products that are better for the planet and something you will love using.
Alayna Donahue (Van Hall), founder